Rachel making waves in Perth’s art and music community

Apr 22, 2024

Rocky Bay customer Rachel is sitting at a keyboard and singing

Making waves in Perth’s art and music community is Rocky Bay customer Rachel, a talented pianist and singer-songwriter who has been actively pursuing music since childhood.

Alongside musical pursuits, Rachel advocates for accessibility and inclusivity within the arts for disabled people, as a proud disabled artist.

Rachel recalls an interaction when a fan with a hearing impairment attended their show and expressed appreciation for their music, explaining they could feel the vibrations of the music.

This prompted Rachel, who already knew Auslan, to add another element of accessibility to shows, integrating detailed audio descriptions into performances to ensure they were accessible to a wider audience.

Rachel considers the smallest details when creating accessible tools for shows, such as booklets that feature lyrics in different text size, colours, and the ability to use a QR code to access tools digitally.

“I want to make disabled people feel seen by seeing me,” Rachel said.

However, Rachel has encountered various challenges along the way, particularly regarding accessibility at performance venues.

From steep stairs to inaccessible entrances, these barriers have highlighted the need for change within the arts community.

Despite these challenges, Rachel remains steadfast in their commitment to inclusivity.

Rachel continues to advocate for a more accessible and inclusive arts landscape, one where disability is not viewed as a limitation but rather as a celebration of diversity.

Rachel hopes to see more disabled people represented on the stage, not just at festivals only for disabled artists but as a normal part of the music and art scene.

Rachel’s advice for an aspiring disabled artist or musicians is clear.

“Take up space and be loud because we belong here,” Rachel said.

Rachel’s statement emphasises the importance of representation and visibility for disabled people.

As Rachel continues their journey, Rachel is playing an important part in creating a community where everyone, regardless of ability, can fully participate and engage in the transformative power of music and art.

You can follow Rachel’s music and art journey on their Instagram page @rachelhull.music

Photo credit @agusarca

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