Payment Options

Paying for your services
At Rocky Bay, we simplify the process of paying for your services, making it as effortless as possible for you. We understand that the NDIS and other funding models like Fee for Service, Pay as you Go or ICWA can seem complicated. With our extensive experience and knowledge, we can guide you through these options.
Our dedicated Customer Engagement Team is here to help you understand the different ways to pay for our services and provide clarity on the best payment options for you.
The easier we can make it for you, the sooner you can get on with achieving your goals. Talk to us to find out more about how you can fund your services with Rocky Bay.
NDIS - Understanding the NDIS
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides funding for those living with disabilities to access services that support your lifestyle. It gives you the control to choose what’s best for you and #yourgoals.
However, with a wide range of services to suit various needs, the NDIS can be challenging to navigate. Its detailed processes can be overwhelming if you're not familiar with them. If you’ve received funding, our NDIS service can help you use it to your best advantage. We offer clarity around the NDIS and what is available to you, giving you more choice and control over how you use your funding.
The Ins and Outs
Our NDIS planning tool gives you a greater understanding of our approach to NDIS funding. Get yours here.
Rocky Bay’s pricing structure is based on guidelines provided by the NDIS. See the full list here.
Pay As You Go
Sometimes a support is necessary, but funding isn’t available. This can be frustrating, but you do have options. Rocky Bay offers payment options for you to fund your own services on a pay-as-you-go basis. Reasons our customers choose this option include:
- Under-funded supports
- Waiting for a plan or a revised plan to commence
- Supports for a sibling or family member of the person with an NDIS plan
- The simple convenience of living near a Rocky Bay hub
Many services are available on a pay-as-you-go basis, including therapy, equipment, and community services. EFTPOS facilities with HiCAPS are available, and you may be able to claim through your private health insurance supplier.
ICWA – Insurance Commission of Western Australia
After a serious motor vehicle accident, it’s reassuring to know that a dedicated team of therapists, supported by funding and administration experts, are here to put you on the path to recovery. If you are receiving funding from the ICWA, Rocky Bay is here to help you find what’s possible as you recover and adjust.
- We have expert therapists in areas such as:
- Physiotherapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Neuro Rehab
- Behavioural Support
They will work in partnership with you to achieve your recovery goals, using state-of-the-art equipment, technology, treatments, and facilities. In the event you need to modify or reconsider your living arrangements, Rocky Bay’s team of home assessors can work through the process with you and your family, side by side.
Fee For Service
When paying for services out of pocket, a service agreement with Rocky Bay is required. Customers will be invoiced for payment instead of paying on the day. Fee for Service includes travel as part of the service, and we charge the same rates as the NDIS for consistency and transparency.
COSA – Continuity of Support Arrangements
For those under 65 years old who do not meet NDIS residency requirements, COSA provides essential funding. If you are currently receiving COSA funding, Rocky Bay can assist with the following supports:
- Therapy Services
- Community Access Services
- Short Term Accommodation/Respite
DSOA – Disability Support for Older Australians
Previously known as the Commonwealth Continuity of Support (CoS), DSOA provides funding for individuals over 65 years old with a disability who are not eligible for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). If you are currently receiving funding through DSOA, Rocky Bay can assist with the following supports:
- Supported Accommodation
- Nursing
- Therapy Services
- Community Access Services